

错过再等一年:IBD 2014 年值得关注的进展

2014年Advances in IBD大会已于12月4-6日在美国奥兰多隆重召开,大会分别从临床、临床研究、基础科学、儿科以及护理等五个领域展开。近年来,炎症性肠病在我国越来越多见,特将本次大会的精彩学术内容进行整理及编译,并邀请国内知名专家对内容进行精彩视频解读,第一时间全方位展示国际IBD领域的最新学术进展。



Because the range of bowel habits and stool types in the community is unknown we questioned 838 men and 1059 women, com-prising 72-2% of a random stratified sample of the East Bristol population. Most of them kept records of three consecutive defecations, including stool form on a validated six point scale ranging from hard, round lumps to mushy.



Chronic constipation in adults is a common and often debilitating problem that may present to almost any medical practitioner as it can have many causes. The most recent Rome criteria provide a useful research and clinical tool for defining chronic, functional con-stipation (box 1).



Constipation is a common, often chronic, gastrointestinal motility disor-der characterized by such symptoms as straining, hard stool, and infre-quent defecation. Published literature is limited regarding symptom prevalence, healthcare-seeking behaviour, and patient satisfaction with traditional therapies for chronic constipation.



Objective: To identify the prevalence of physiologic causes of idiopathic constipation in Thai patients.



Reported prevalence of constipation ranges from 4–28 %, depending on definitions and methods used, making comparisons between countries difficult. To determine prevalence in a large community, self definition of constipation is important and use of a standard questionnaire is mandatory.



Abstract Most studies of bowel habits have been conducted in Western countries. This study was conducted to estimate the epidemiology of constipation and the discrepancy be-tween self-reported constipation and bowel habits in Kore-ans. Telephone interviews regarding bowel habits were con-ducted with a total of 1029 individuals in Korea, 15 years of age or older.



While numerous studies report prevalence of constipation, use of laxa-tives is poorly understood.To conduct a survey in seven countries evaluating prevalence of consti-pation and laxative use in its treatment.Thirteen thousand eight hundred seventy-nine adults [approximately 2000 each from US, UK, Germany (GE), France (FR), Italy (IT), Brazil (BR) and South Korea (SK)] completed questionnaires assessing occur-rence, frequency, duration and laxative use for treating constipation.








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