
Chronic constipation in adults is a common and often debilitating problem that may present to almost any medical practitioner as it can have many causes. The most recent Rome criteria provide a useful research and clinical tool for defining chronic, functional con-stipation (box 1).
For the problem to be described as chronic, the Rome criteria need to have been met for the previous threemonths, with the onset of symptoms six months prior to diagnosis. We prefer a more inclu-sive definition of chronic constipation: any patient experiencing consistent difficulty with defecation. This review examines the evidence for the modern approach to treating chronic constipation and is based largely on systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials where these are available.

本便秘新指南诊疗新规范专区全部内容由丁香园独家拥有控制、维护与负责,并受版权法保护。本便秘新指南诊疗新规范专区的资金提供方为西安杨森制药有限公司。本便秘新指南诊疗新规范专区仅供中国的医疗保健专业人士参考使用。医疗保健专业人士,请根据患者的具体病情给予具体诊疗指导, 请勿根据本网站的信息诊治患者。
