
Constipation is a common gastrointestinal complaint that can cause significant physical and psychosocial problems. It has been categorized as slow transit constipation, normal transit constipation, and obstructed defecation. Both the definition and patho-physiology of constipation are unclear, but attempts to describe each of the three types have been made. Slow transit constipation, a functional colonic disorder represents15 to 30% of constipated patients. The theorized etiologies are disorders of the autonomic and enteric nervous system and/or a dysfunctional neuroendocrine system. Slow transit constipation can be diagnosed with a complete history, physical exam, and a battery of specific diagnostic studies. Once the diagnosis is affirmed and medical management has failed, there are several treatment options. Biofeedback, sacral nerve stimulation, segmental colectomy, and subtotal colectomy with various anastomoses have all been used. Of those treatment options, a subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis is the most efficacious with the data to support its use.



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